
Architecture • Landscape • Design



parco naturale




The project for the waterfront of Saline Joniche involves an area of ​​over 170 hectares located along 8 km. of the coast, with an appendix in the old and abandoned village of Pentedattilo.

Saline Joniche, located close Reggio Calabria, is an emblematic area of the waste of natural resources that has disfigured several Italian landscapes. Here, for a mistaken idea of development, have been located several industrial plants that never worked and that have only degradated the environment.

The aim of the project was to devise a strategy for sustainable development of the area according to ecological principles and retrieve all the devastation that took place earlier in responding to the needs of the local community.
the objective is to transform, the conflictual elements of the present in models of a new type of development through which  nature can coexist peacefully.

The process of reactivation of the Saline Joniche is based on the lecture of the identity character of the place, the identification and the implementation of resilient landscapes and on the enhancement of natural forces and human activities.

This process puts together a dedicated work of listening to workplaces and communities, so it could be reset from time to time in oder be used in places that are temporary deserted like the abandoned industrial area, cosisting of many unfinished, and emplty buildings that can be redeveloped  in available elements and harbor new cycles of life.

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