
Architecture • Landscape • Design

22.09.2014>> Prize romArchitettura5


We have the pleasure to announce that the Integrated Complex School Romanina in Rome, disegned by the Herman Hertzberger + Marco Scarpinato with the collaboration of AutonomeForme was mentioned in the prize romArchitettura5 for the section “Prize for a New building“.

The jury was composed by Giancarlo Goretti, Livio Sacchi, Luca Zevi, Francesco Ruperto, Massimo Locci (as coordinator of the prize) and Claudio Betti.

The ceremony of the prize is on 22 september at 6 P.M. at the Casa dell’Architettura in Rome.

The prize romArchitettura5 is focused on the evaluation of the contemporary architecture in Lazio and is organized by: InArch Lazio, Ance Roma Acer, Ance Lazio-Urcel and Ordine Architetti Pianificatori Paaesaggisti e Conservatori di Roma e Provincia

More informations at the link


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