
Architecture • Landscape • Design

30.06.2013 > The AutonomeForme’s projects are published on the architectural magazine IO Arch

We are pleased to announce that the project “Palermo – Al-halisah” designed by AutonomeForme are published the architectural magazine IO Arch number 48 – May/June 2013. You can read more informations about the AutonomeForme’s projects “Palermo – Al-halisah” on this link

This issue, called “Sicilia – Paesaggio | Città  | Arte | Cultura“, is completly focussed on the discover of the best architectural offices based in Sicily. The key of this special issue is: “We were looking for a region, we found a nation, with a lot of diversity difficult to synthesize, which we leave to tell the designers that have accompanied us in this exploration. One thing is certain: yesterday and today, the Sicilian architecture can not be conceived without knowing the energy and pride of the Sicilians. The same pride that, after the earthquake of 1693, led to the reconstruction of the fragile buildings with facades of stone like sails challenged with pride every other storm of earth the gods had wanted to provoke. Goethe was right: Italy is nothing without Sicily”. More informations about this issue on this link

The architectural magazine IO Arch is available on paper and also in digital version. You can read the digital version of the number 48 – May/June 2013 of IO Arch on this link


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